Friday, 14 June 2013

June 13, Thursday -- Milestones and memories

The puppies are two weeks old today and it's my 54 birthday. We went to Tony Roma's for supper with our friends Don, Sherry and their daughter Tasha. It was a nice meal and visit and when we got home we weighed the puppies and changed the towel in their bed; one of the puppies has opened one eye. FINALLY! Now I can stop worrying because I bet by the time I get home from work tonight almost all their eyes will be open.

I've been thinking about Cocoa and Chai while they were both puppies and I'm going to add a couple of puppy pictures of them below. I'll post my new weight chart for our puppies too; it shows their birth weight, current weight and the percentage they have increased their body weight in these first two weeks. I couldn't believe it; the largest puppy was 1 gram shy of a kilogram (300 grams at birth). My goal this weekend is going to be determining gender for each and adding it to this chart plus giving them working names like "Pingo" -- a Spanish coffee drink that consists of 1 part espresso and 2 parts steamed milk or "Guillermo" -- an Italian coffee drink that consists of 2 shots of espresso with a twist of lime; hopefully I can find 9 names for caffeinated beverages so we can continue our tradition.

This is a picture of Cocoa looking at the new addition to the family; it was taken only one day after we got Chai home (September 21, 2012). He was almost black when he was a puppy.

This picture is of Cocoa before she was a year old but after she's had a haircut and it has grown in some. She really looks almost identical to what Chai looked like before his last haircut. We always thought it was funny that Cocoa, when she was young, would never eat unless she was lying down like she is here. 

30-May 13-Jun increase
1 red right 225 595 164%
3 purple right 255 630 147%
2 purple left 260 670 158%
4 blue right 268 780 191%
8 blue left 271 805 197%
9 green right 271 845 212%
6 272
7 black right 285 880 209%
10 green left 290 912 214%
5 red left 300 999 233%

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