Thursday, 18 July 2013

July 17 - Rogues Gallery

Wednesday, July 17 - the Puppies will be 7 weeks old tomorrow

I'm posting a picture of each puppy with the name we've given it and its' weight today. All the names are coffee or hot beverage themed in keeping with our family tradition of dog names (Mom is Cocoa and Dad is Chai). I apologize for the quality of a couple of these pics. These current weights are not as exact because my food scale only weighs up to 3.5 kgs so most of them were weighed on the electronic bathroom scale which weighs in 1/10 of a pound increments. (I've included weight in pounds too for old people like me who still don't have a great sense of how much a kg actually weights):


Hightest - Male
4.81 Kgs (10.6 pounds)


Guillermo - Male
3.63 Kgs (8 pounds)
* a Guillermo is a Spanish drink consisting of two shots of espresso with a twist of lime
Latte - Female
4.81 Kgs (10.6 pounds)

Frappe - Female
3.27 Kgs (7.2 pounds)

Cafe au Lait - Female
3.18 Kgs (7.0 pounds)

Pingo* - Male
2.9 Kgs (6.4 pounds)
* A pingo is a strong Italian Latte made with 1 shot of espresso and 2 shots of steamed milk

Kona - Female
2.63 Kgs (5.8 pounds)

Coffee - Female
2.38 Kgs (5.25 pounds)

Demitasse* - Female
1.73 Kgs (3.75 pounds)
* I am not for sale because I am very small so I'm going to stay with Mom and Dad.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Thursday July 11 - 6 weeks old

Thursday July 11 - 6 weeks old

They're six weeks old today -- seems hard to believe.

Here are some current pictures.

Don't you just love a queen size bed.

I don't know what this is, but it's sure fun to chew on.

What an eclectic collection of ornaments.

Quick, while Mom and Dad aren't looking
let's help ourselves to the good stuff!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Bigger every day

Saturday July 6 -- Bigger every day

Some new pics to share. As you can see they continue to grow; their little individual personalities are becoming more and more obvious too.

The pack feeds!

I love the hammock under this table; very comfortable.

BFF. This puppy loves a warm lap.

Several of the puppies like to hide under this chair; I nearly had a panic attack the first time I counted and was short a couple of puppies -- it took me a while to find them.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Canada Day -- Still growing strong

CANADA DAY -- Still growing strong

It's Canada day -- the puppies were one month old yesterday. They continue to grow and become more active, curious and outgoing. We're feeding them twice a day now; a mixture of puppy formula, goat milk and crushed dry puppy food. They love it and it seems to be having the desired effect; Cocoa is nursing less (her nipples are pretty red and sore with little cuts from their claws so I'm glad they are leaving her alone a bit more).

Some pics are below.

The gang is all here.

Two of nine.

The remaining seven.

I'm ready for that tummy rub you promised me.

I love the little soul patch and patch of weight on her chest.

Where did everybody go?

I smell food -- do you smell food?

This dog food tastes funny!
And the latest table of weights. I've included a hot beverage name for each of them. If you don't know what a pingo or a guillermo are just ask.

A working name 30-May 1-Jul increase from birth
1 Demitasse F: very dark 225 1180 424%
3 Decaf F: lighter brown 255 1400 449%
2 Kona F: lighter brown 260 1560 500%
4 Café au Lait F: medium brown 268 1910 613%
8 Pingo M: Medium brown 271 1660 513%
9 Frappe F: Dark brown with white spot on chin 271 1920 608%
6 272
7 Latte F: lighter brown 285 2075 628%
10 Guillermo M: Dark brown 290 1914 560%
5 Hightest M: Dark brown 300 2220 640%