Thursday, 18 July 2013

July 17 - Rogues Gallery

Wednesday, July 17 - the Puppies will be 7 weeks old tomorrow

I'm posting a picture of each puppy with the name we've given it and its' weight today. All the names are coffee or hot beverage themed in keeping with our family tradition of dog names (Mom is Cocoa and Dad is Chai). I apologize for the quality of a couple of these pics. These current weights are not as exact because my food scale only weighs up to 3.5 kgs so most of them were weighed on the electronic bathroom scale which weighs in 1/10 of a pound increments. (I've included weight in pounds too for old people like me who still don't have a great sense of how much a kg actually weights):


Hightest - Male
4.81 Kgs (10.6 pounds)


Guillermo - Male
3.63 Kgs (8 pounds)
* a Guillermo is a Spanish drink consisting of two shots of espresso with a twist of lime
Latte - Female
4.81 Kgs (10.6 pounds)

Frappe - Female
3.27 Kgs (7.2 pounds)

Cafe au Lait - Female
3.18 Kgs (7.0 pounds)

Pingo* - Male
2.9 Kgs (6.4 pounds)
* A pingo is a strong Italian Latte made with 1 shot of espresso and 2 shots of steamed milk

Kona - Female
2.63 Kgs (5.8 pounds)

Coffee - Female
2.38 Kgs (5.25 pounds)

Demitasse* - Female
1.73 Kgs (3.75 pounds)
* I am not for sale because I am very small so I'm going to stay with Mom and Dad.

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