June 16, Sunday -- More energy and personality
The puppies are now showing more energy; they actually stand up and walk around their bed some. When mom tries to climb in I'd describe the action as strongly resembling a swarm of piranhas but with legs, hair and no water -- not much of a resemblance after all :-) While they all sleep a lot there seem to be a couple now that cry more for attention and a couple of nights ago, at 3 am, one of the puppies barked for the first time. It was the cutest little woof I've ever heard but it was definitely a bark; it didn't sound at all like their normal puppy cries.
While changing their bed today I weighed each puppy and took a picture of it; I did miss one picture and I've no idea how I'll get that rectified but you can see them below with their individual weights recorded for today. There is quit a variation in how dark brown they are. You'll notice that one of them even tried to climb out of the Tupperware container I use for weighing them; very cute.
I'll post the pictures form the smallest to the largest; and I made note of their gender too.
Female - 660 grams; birth weight 225 grams (+193%) |
Female -- 720 grams; birth weight 255 grams (+182%)
Female -- 759 grams; birth weight 260 grams (+192%)
Female -- 920 grams; birth weight 268 grams (+243%)
Male -- 945 grams; birth weight 271 grams (+249%)
Forgot to take this puppies picture but you can see
it here in this shot; it's the little one with the white "soul patch" on its chin :-)
Female -- 982 grams; birth weight 261 grams (+262%)
Female -- 989 grams; birth weight 285 grams (+247%)
Male -- 1022 grams; birth weight 290 grams (+252%)
Male -- 1160 grams; birth weight 300 grams (+287%)
As you can see there is variation in colouring; the three males, however, are all relatively dark compared to the others.
This picture shows all nine puppies in the box we use for "transferring;" we put the puppies into this box while we take them out of the whelping bed and after we have weighed them so we can keep track of which ones have been weighed and which haven't. The first one you put in this box will cry and cry and cry and then as soon as there is another puppy they curl up together and sleep; as you add extra ones they wander around until they are comfortably grouped with the others and promptly go to sleep.
As you can see they are filling this box up pretty completely now -- next time we're at Costco we'll have to find one that's a little bigger and has higher sides (you may have noticed that a couple of the puppies decided they wanted out of this Tupperware container while they were being weighed; we had to turn the whelping box around so the lower side was against the wall as a precaution to be sure none of them accidentally climbed out of the box).